Our universe is precisely 13.8 billion years old. Matters and Dark Energies fill the whole universe. Planets, galaxies, interstellar clusters, globular clusters, and black holes constitute the whole universe. The observable universe measures around 96 billion light-years where some galaxies accelerate greater than the speed of light making billions of galaxies vanish within a fraction of seconds out of our sight. Out of many, the Milky Way Galaxy welcomes in its one end of the spiral arm, a system of eight planets with natural satellites revolving around a common star which is called Sun. In this, at the right distance from it, there exists a rocky Habitable (water condensed as liquid water), rotates once in 24 hours(precisely 23 hrs, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds) and revolves once in 365.25 days the blue 4.7 billion years old planet called Earth. On it, intelligent life arose 3.5 billion years ago finally evolving the Homo sapiens around 200,000 years ago from Homo erectus. In this, by probability, we (you and I exist in this era known as the 21st century. As Carl Sagan, an American astronaut imaging team of Voyager on seeing the last image taken by Voyager rightly said, "Everyone you love, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives on a mote of dust suspended in the sunbeam." Trace of other life terrestrial has been found but not real aliens, thus we citizen of Earth is only the intelligent life known so far. This is how precious we are to be considered.
Various political life including dynasty, emperor, and dictatorship has been established. Many scientific revolutions happened such as the Industrial Revolution, the concept of underlying electromagnetic radiation, mass-energy equivalence, and the era of computers, lasers, lenses, cameras, X-rays, artificial eyes, hearts, lungs and kidneys. The cold war started with space exploration and advancement in cosmology in the early 19th century. Now, it is the era of searching for other habitable planets, artificial intelligence (AD, the probes have reached interstellar space(Pioneer I, Voyager I and II, Computer Numerical Controls (CNCs), where the finished goods are produced untouched by hands and utmost precision compared to casting, forging performed in the Metal Ages with trials and errors. Now, countless information rests on the web, people have regular conversations irrespective of the distance separated. Thus, we are the pioneers of the universe who discovered the law of gravity, mechanics, optics, statistics, quantum mechanics, and binary systems with all the advanced equipment of our time. The eye sights are restored, brains are operated on, kidneys are transferred, and blood pressures and appendicitis are normalized. Those are achievements comparable to those of gods. Revolutions and development in the main kind are co-related. Science is inevitable in every life form on earth. That's why a human should value the scope of science.